Welcome to Reach Cyber Charter School

Our vision is to inspire and nurture future success for all students!

STEM Education

Reach provides all students with a STEM-infused learning experience that supports development of 21st century skills.

Career Readiness

Reach students can become leaders in their chosen career field through the opportunities provided by Reach's Career Readiness Department.

Educational Events

Reach students are able to make friendships and enjoy educational field trips held at local parks, museums, historical sites, and unique experiences!

A Word From our CEO

Jane Swan, CEO

Join us at Reach Cyber Charter School!

Our excellent staff and care-filled culture; integration of STEM, careers, gifted education, multiple schedule options, and statewide family events provides Pennsylvania students and families with a unique charter experience!

Reach began in 2016 with 468 students and is flourishing with nearly 7200 students. Our families and students tell us that Reach teachers provide excellent individual and small-group attention that makes them feel like they are attending a small school! In fact, 98% of families surveyed are satisfied with the helpfulness of their student's teacher.

We look forward to the privilege of educating YOUR student!

Messages From our Community

The Balogun family posed together after their son, David, received a distinguished student award.

If you are looking for individualized learning that takes into account your child's or children's strengths and weaknesses in a friendly environment that prides itself in prioritizing your child or children, Reach Cyber School is the place to come.
The Balogun Family

The contact I and my daughter have with her teachers is beyond amazing. Between always contacting me back when I have any questions or concerns, and the calls just to check in to see if RaeLynn may be having trouble with any subjects or assignments. I could not be happier with the teachers, the courses and the materials provided for everything. Reach truly wants their students to succeed, and Reach provides all the tools they possibly can to make sure that happens.
The Skochelak-Cuppett Family

They have developed an independent and self-motivating nature toward learning. I believe this was because of the dedicated teachers who created a positive learning experience and attended to the questions and educational styles of my children.
The McKingley Family

What can you Achieve with REACH

What can you Achieve with REACH

What sets Reach Cyber Charter School apart from all other online public schools? A unique STEM focus, dedicated statewide social outreach, expanding career experiences, and unmatched professional development to retain the top online instructional staff in Pennsylvania.

The REACH Difference

  • 98
    Parent Satisfaction
  • 739
    2023-24 Graduates
  • 40
    2023-24 STEM Camps
  • 280
    2023-24 Student Career Experiences
  • 86
    2022-23 Graduation Rate
  • 800
    2023-24 Local Events
  • 25
    Virtual Clubs
  • 30
    2023-24 Certification Courses Completed