Career Readiness

What Are You Searching For?

Does the student in your life not know what they want to do when they graduate? That's okay! At Reach Cyber Charter School they can earn extra school credit as well as industry recognized credentials that could allow them to enter the workforce upon graduation. Reach Cyber offers certification courses, opportunities to connect with professionals in the workplace, and much more!

Career Exploration & Experiences

Earn School Credit for engaging in industry-based learning, including Job Shadowing, Career Mentoring, Internships, Pre-Apprenticeships and Apprenticeships!

At Reach Cyber Charter School, we believe it's never too early to explore careers! Reach offers our elementary and middle school students the chance to explore what they want to do when they grow up through various events and hands-on STEM-based career kits.

Career Pathways & Badges

Career Pathways is a unique program that offers Reach students an opportunity to pursue their career interests. After learning about their career interests, students can take courses that align with their interests and earn digital credentials or badges. These badges can be added to resumes, shared on social media and sent to colleges and universities digitally. Students choosing their pathway helps them develop agency over their learning.

Career Course Programs

Discover Reach Cyber Charter School's Career Readiness program, featuring three captivating tracks: Carpentry, Cosmetology, and Vet Science. Each track is designed to spark your child's passion and provide valuable skills for success.

Find your passion with our Career Readiness Program!

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