Career Readiness Career Course Programs

Craft Your Career

At Reach Cyber Charter School, our innovative Career Course Programs in veterinary science, cosmetology, and carpentry offer students in grades 9-12 an exceptional blend of virtual and hands-on learning. Each student receives comprehensive kits, enabling them to engage with both theoretical concepts and practical applications. By bringing a dynamic career-focused environment to the cyber world, our students gain a significant career advantage.


Our carpentry program equips high school students with woodworking and construction skills through hands-on, comprehensive coursework. Students learn tool safety, structural carpentry, and specialized techniques like drywall installation and stair construction. They have opportunities to earn three project book certifications from the Carpenter's Union as well as their OSHA 10 certification, preparing them for careers in carpentry and the construction trades.

Reach is proud to be the leading cyber school in Pennsylvania pioneering hands-on, technical career-based learning in the field of carpentry. In 2024, we became the first school in the state to graduate our carpentry program students with all three Carpenter's Union certifications!


Our cosmetology program offers a hands-on introduction to the field of cosmetology, across four sequential courses focusing on the foundational aspects of hair, skin, nails, and makeup. Students explore their creativity, build their skills, and gain insight into the business side of the cosmetology industry. From client relations, salon management, to the importance of safety procedures, and industry standards, graduates of the program are well-prepared to pursue further training at a Pennsylvania licensed cosmetology school. They have the opportunity to earn numerous industry-recognized certifications, enhancing their resumes and validating their skillset. Upon completion of the cosmetology program, students will be equipped with both practical skills and a solid understanding of the professional landscape.

Veterinary Science

Our veterinary science program covers a wide variety of species, career paths, and veterinary industry topics such as Anatomy and Physiology, genetics, nutrition, behavior, client interactions, and surgery & exam room procedures. The instructional emphasis on science prepares students for post-secondary education and a career in the pathway of animal sciences. They have the opportunity to earn industry-recognized certifications as well as dual enrollment credit through Harcum College's Animal Center Management major, building their career portfolio before they even graduate high school!

Supporting Your Child's Journey

Reach Cyber Charter School prioritizes personalized career guidance. Our dedicated coordinators work with students to help them find the right path to further education or a fulfilling career.

Benefits of our Career Programs

  • Enhances employability
  • Builds confidence and soft skills
  • Encourages career exploration
  • Improves academic achievement
  • Hands-on learning
  • Industry recognized certifications
  • Fosters critical thinking
  • "On the job" experiences
  • Networking with industry professionals

These and more career readiness activities can be pursued at our PA cyber charter school in our unique and individualized learning environment. Enroll your student now at Reach Cyber Charter School!

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