Career Readiness Career Exploration & Experiences

Industry-based learning provides students with workplace experiences to explore career interests and earn school credit.

By selecting a pathway, students are empowered to pursue their own educational objectives. Career Course Programs give students the chance to attain a comprehensive set of skills and an in-depth understanding of Carpentry, Veterinary Science, or Cosmetology that will benefit them in their future career. This is because it allows them to explore a specific field in greater detail, giving them the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in that field. It also provides them with the flexibility to customize their course of study to emphasize career readiness and their individual needs and interests.

At Reach, we believe it's never too early to explore careers! Our Career Exploration Coordinators provide career experiences for elementary and middle school students to explore what they want to do when they grow up through various events and hands-on STEM-based career kits.


Reach's certification courses offer students opportunities to:

  • increase marketability
  • gain an advantage for future careers
  • enhance academic performance

With certifications, Reach students can learn and earn the skills needed in today's global market.


Internships are career-prep, work-based learning experiences in a particular field. Internships assist students in developing technical competencies while they earn school credit.

Internships are a short-term practical experience, giving students a broad overview of the career area, and is supervised by an employer.


Pre-apprenticeships are career activities designed to prepare an individual for careers in the skilled crafts and trades. Pre-apprenticeships can:

  • consist of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction
  • develop marketable knowledge and skills in one of the many programs sponsored nationally

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing is a career exploration activity. Students gain exposure to careers that they are interested in pursuing by:

  • working with business volunteers
  • spending the workday as a shadow to a competent worker
  • visiting a workplace
  • investigating a career field and industry
  • experiencing a typical day on the job

Career Mentoring

Career mentoring occurs when a student is matched one-to-one with an adult professional in a chosen field of interest to:

  • gain more knowledge about a career
  • explore career interests
  • expand on related workplace and career development issues

The career mentor serves as a resource for the student by:

  • sharing insights
  • providing encouragement and guidance about the workplace, work ethics, careers, and educational requirements

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