Career Readiness Career Pathways

Discover a Path & Level Up

At Reach Cyber Charter School, our extensive course catalog is aligned with Career Pathways to ensure students gain relevant skills and knowledge to support their career interests. This program helps students make informed decisions about their education, providing a clear roadmap to future careers. Additionally, Career Pathways allow exploration of various fields, offering the flexibility to switch paths as interests evolve.

Arts, A/V Technologies & Communications

Arts, A/V Technologies & Communications

Designed for students to pursue careers that utilize their creativity and their talents on the job. They may pursue careers as a performer, artist, or work behind the scenes as a set designer, broadcast technician or camera operator. Students could also use their creative talents with technology and work as an animator or graphic designer.

Business, Management, Finance & Administration

Business, Management, Finance & Administration

Designed for students to pursue careers involving business administration. These careers may involve developing marketing plans, selling products, creating business plans, financial planning, running a business and more.

Computer Science

Designed for students interested in pursing careers that involve working with computer hardware, software, multimedia, or network systems. Some of the work in this pathway entails the support and management of computer hardware, network management and functionality, writing code for video games, or supporting others and answering questions about specific software or hardware.

Health Science

Designed for students interested in pursuing careers that promote health and wellness, scientific research, or protection of natural resources. Students might work on a farm, ranch, dairy, orchard, greenhouse, or plant nursery. They could also work in a clinic or laboratory as a scientist or engineer.

Human Services

Designed for students interested in pursuing careers that involve serving or protecting the needs of individuals and families. These careers might lead to working in a government office, hospital, or nonprofit agency. They can include careers enforcing the law as a police officer, fire protection as a firefighter, or legal services as a lawyer.


Designed for students to pursue careers involving science, technology, engineering, and math. These careers involve working with new products and equipment, doing scientific research, creating designs for new structures, constructing new roads and more. Some students can pursue construction careers through the ABC Keystone Pre-Apprenticeship.

These and more career readiness activities can be pursued at our PA cyber charter school in our unique and individualized learning environment. Enroll your student now at Reach Cyber Charter School!

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