Special Education Surrogate Parent Program

Surrogate Parent Program in Reach Cyber Charter School

A surrogate parent at Reach Cyber Charter School is a person designated to assume responsibility in matters relating to the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of students for whom no parent or guardian can be identified, or their whereabouts are unknown, or the child is a ward of the state. Surrogate parents are volunteers who are trained by the intermediate unit (CAIU #15) to serve in this capacity. To qualify as a surrogate parent you must meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a volunteer
  • Be a person of good character
  • Possess reasonable abilities to make decisions concerning a student's educational needs
  • Be committed to becoming acquainted with the student's educational needs and with Pennsylvania's educational system
  • Have no vested interest that would conflict with the primary allegiance to the student you would represent

Surrogate parent duties include becoming familiar with special education regulations, being involved in IEP processes, and receiving notifications regarding evaluation and/or educational placement of the student.

If you are someone you know have an interest in serving as a Surrogate Parent at Reach Cyber Charter School, please contact Margaret Taylor-Makuch, Educational Consultant, at 717-732-8400, Ext. 8336 or at mtmakkuch@caiu.org

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