English Language Development

English Language Development Services

Welcome to Reach Cyber Charter School's English Language Development (ELD) page! In Pennsylvania, there are more than 61,000 English Learners (ELs) speaking more than 200 languages. Many of these learners have chosen Reach Cyber Charter School for their education because we celebrate diversity and welcome families from all cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The English Language Development team facilitates the development and attainment of English proficiency and academic achievement of students who’s native or first language is not English.

English Language Development teaches English language learners (ELs) how to use language appropriately in social and academic situations. It combines teaching listening, speaking, reading, and writing at appropriate levels for the individual learner. This individualized approach to education allows ELs the ability to learn at their own pace and minimizes the risk of losing the educational opportunities of their peers.

English Learner Identification

Upon enrollment, families will complete a Home Language Survey. If a language other than English or in addition to English is spoken in the home, the student may be eligible for additional services. ELD team may reach out to the family by telephone to discuss the potential and options for services. If the results and conversation are inconclusive, the student will be required to complete an in-person screening assessment with a Reach staff member. It is our goal to make sure that individualized services and support are provided to each student within the Reach Cyber Charter School community.

Learn more about screening, identification, and placement

Annual Testing

All English Learners are required to participate in an annual language proficiency assessment in-person with a Reach employee. The Pennsylvania Department of Education uses the ACCESS for ELLs as the required instrument for the annual assessment of English language proficiency. Access for ELLs is a standards-based, criterion referenced English language proficiency test designed to measure English language learners' proficiency in English. It assesses social and instructional English as well as the language associated with Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies within the school context across the four language domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Learn more about annual language proficiency testing

Parental Right to Refuse Services

Parents have the right to refuse all or part of the English Language Development's services. Refusal of these programs and/or services indicate an informed, voluntary decision by the parent to not have their student placed in any separate, specialized ELD service or program. Parents must contact an ELD teacher, lead, or principal to complete the required paperwork to complete this process. Even if a parent refuses services, the student will still be labeled an English learner and be required to participate in annual language proficiency testing. After a parent has refused services, they can reinstate services at any time.

Read more about a parent's right to refuse service


Reach's ELD team will review students' scores on the annual language assessment to determine if a student is able to be reclassified as a "former EL." This decision is based on test scores as well as input from the student's teachers. Under Title III, parents must be informed of the exit criteria. Once the reclassification has occurred, the academic progress of former ELs must be actively monitored by school personnel for a period of two (2) years after reclassification.

Learn more about Reclassification, Monitoring, and Redesignation of ELs

Language Services

Reach Cyber Charter School understands the importance of parental involvement in a child's education and encourages all families, regardless of language proficiency, to be an active part of their student's schooling. We offer phone interpretation for conferences and communication. Some document translation services may be available in your family’s preferred language. If you prefer another language be used when contacting you, please inform us by contacting your student’s English Language Development teacher or principal as soon as possible.

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