3-2-1...Launch! Enrolling at Reach Cyber Charter School

Please use the link below to access the Focus Parent Portal if you already have an active application for your student(s). For more information about enrollment eligibility and documentation requirements, please review all of the information provided on this page. With any questions about enrollment please contact us at 1 (866) 732-2416 (Option 1) or email us at enrollment@reachcyber.org.

Focus Parent Portal

3: Explore Possibilities

At Reach Cyber Charter School, we pride ourselves on our student-centric, STEM-infused curriculum. Follow the links below to explore sample courses, class selection, and welcome videos from our principals.

Elementary School

Grades K-5

Middle School

Grades 6-8

High School

Grades 9-12

2: Verify Eligibility & Requirements

In Pennsylvania, student eligibility requirements are determined by the PA Department of Education. Reach Cyber Charter School is open to all students who meet the state's age requirements and reside in the state of Pennsylvania. While the current PA Department of Education guidelines require the collection of documents to verify age and residency requirements, Reach does not discriminate and welcomes students who have unusual circumstances, such as homeless and foster youth, immigrants, refugees, migrants, and students who are not U.S. citizens. Contact our school enrollment team for assistance if enrolling a student for whom standard documentation is not readily available due to this type of situation.

Designate a Learning Coach

A primary goal at Reach is encouraging parent involvement in the growth and education of your students. During the enrollment process you will be required to designate a "Learning Coach" for your student(s). The learning coach is the adult who performs tasks such as reviewing lessons, providing supervision, and communicating with teachers. Each student will have at least one learning coach who is usually the student's caretaker. Caretakers may designate another adult or adults as the student's learning coach(es), either in addition to or in place of the caretaker, for daily oversight of the student's schoolwork and school-related activities, by completing the Designated Learning Coach Agreement form. The caretaker always has full and final authority for the child's education and educational decision-making with the school, and therefore must be available to the school staff as needed for discussions related to the student's educational and other school-related needs.

Under certain circumstances, students who are eighteen (18) years of age or older, or an emancipated minor, may request to be their own learning coach. To discuss this option, students should contact either the Reach Enrollment Team during the enrollment process, or your school counselor once enrolled.

1: Prepare Documents

According to guidelines set by the PA Department of Education, to enroll at Reach Cyber Charter School, a parent or guardian must provide the school with proof of the prospective student's age, residence, and required immunization history. A Charter Notification form must also be filled out and submitted.

A copy of one "Valid Document" must be provided for each individual student for age verification.

Valid Documents

  • Birth Certificate (most common)
  • Notarized Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Baptismal Certificate
  • Copy of the Record of Baptism (Notarized or Duly Certified and Showing the Date of Birth)
  • Notarized Statement from the Parents or Another Relative Indicating the Date of Birth
  • Valid Passport
  • Previous School Record (Must Include Student's DOB)

Invalid Documents

  • PA Certificate of Live Birth 
  • Custody Documents/Court-Issued Documents
  • Military ID
  • Students Driver's License or State ID
  • Adoption Record
  • Tribal Affiliation Card 
  • Green Card 
  • Medical Records
  • DOB Affidavit
  • Government Documents without DOB 

You must reside in one of PA's 67 counties and you must provide a copy of one valid proof of residency.

Valid Documents

Recommended Proof of Residence Documentation

  • Mortgage Statement (Dated within 60 days of submission)
  • Current Year Lease Agreement/Month-to-Month signed under 60 days from submission
  • Utility Bill (Gas, Electric, Water, Sewage, Trash, Oil Delivery, Internet) Dated within 60 days of submission
  • Current Year Property Tax Statement
  • Property Deed

Additional Valid Proof of Residence Documentation

  • PA Driver's License/State ID
  • Cable or Landline Phone Bill
  • Vehicle Registration (Signed)
  • Philadelphia City ID
  • Credit Card Statement (dated within 60 days of submission)

Invalid Documents

  • Rent Receipt 
  • Homeowner's/Renter's Insurance Policy 
  • Bank Statement 
  • Voter Registration Card 
  • Payroll Stub 
  • W2 
  • Military Orders 
  • Tribal ID 
  • Utility Receipt for Installation 

Student immunization records must be submitted as part of the Reach Cyber Charter School enrollment process, based on requirements set by the PA Department of Education.  The immunization record must contain the student's name, date of birth and the doctor's office contact information where the student's immunization information is recorded. Immunization record forms should be available from your family doctor or from Reach during the enrollment process. Once your student is enrolled you may be required to submit further medical records according to the Department of Education. Click here for more information.

The Charter School Notification Form will be sent to your local school district to advise that a family has decided to attend a charter school. A copy of the form is also sent to the school the student previously attended. One form per student will be provided during the enrollment process and all forms must be completed in full to be considered accurate.

Custody Orders

When applicable, a custody order needs to be provided to verify the submitting party has the legal right to the student's educational decisions. The submitted custody order must include the following:

  • Your full name
  • The student's name
  • The terms of the physical & legal custody of the child
  • The terms of your educational decision rights for the child
  • A judge's signature and/or court's seal

Academic Records

Transcripts, report cards and, if needed, 504 plans, gifted documentation, and individualized education plans. These documents are not required to complete the enrollment process but can help Reach determine the proper course and grade-level placement.


To apply online, you will need an email address and regular access to an Internet-connected computer. Help your student(s) Reach their potential, today!

Help your student reach their potential!

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